Thursday, October 10, 2024

WhatsApp Ending Support for 35 Devices in July 2024: Is Your Phone Affected?

Brussels — The early morning light filtered through my living room window, bouncing off the surface of my phone like a reminder that even the most essential technologies can fade into obsolescence. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook just how connected we’ve become to our devices, how they’ve silently threaded themselves through the fabric of our everyday lives. But today, a notification from WhatsApp hit differently.

“This version of WhatsApp will no longer be supported on your device starting July 1, 2024,” it read.

A sudden pang of nostalgia washed over me. How many conversations had I held in the palm of my hand, how many laughs shared, how many tears consoled? And now, a reminder that some of the tools I’ve relied on are slipping away, soon to be relics of the past.

WhatsApp to Discontinue Support for 35 Devices: Is Your Phone on the List?

In a world driven by digital connections, WhatsApp has long been a cornerstone. But starting July 1, 2024, the popular messaging app will no longer be compatible with 35 mobile devices from brands like Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Motorola, and more. For many, this is just another update. For others, it’s a wake-up call—a reminder that technology, no matter how integral it seems, is always marching forward, leaving behind those who can’t keep pace.

Why WhatsApp Is Dropping Support: The Reality Behind Obsolescence

When you hear that your phone will no longer support WhatsApp, it might feel personal, almost like you’re being asked to let go of an old friend. But the truth is far more practical. As Neil Patel would explain, WhatsApp’s decision to cut off support for older devices boils down to two key factors: security and performance.

WhatsApp, like any forward-thinking company, conducts regular analyses to identify which devices are no longer equipped to handle their app’s evolving features. Devices with outdated operating systems—specifically, those running anything below Android 5.0 or iOS 12—simply can’t provide the same level of security or performance as newer models. In a world where our data, messages, and privacy are constantly at risk, this decision feels less like an abandonment and more like a necessary evolution.

List of Devices Losing WhatsApp Support in July 2024

Now for the question on everyone’s mind: Is my phone on the list? Here’s a breakdown of the devices that will no longer support WhatsApp after July 2024.


  • Galaxy Ace Plus
  • Galaxy Core
  • Galaxy Express 2
  • Galaxy Grand
  • Galaxy Note 3
  • Galaxy S3 Mini
  • Galaxy S4 (Active, Mini, Zoom)


  • Moto G
  • Moto X


  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 6, 6S, 6S Plus
  • iPhone SE


  • Ascend P6 S
  • Ascend G525
  • Huawei C199
  • Huawei GX1s
  • Huawei Y625


  • Lenovo 46600
  • Lenovo P70, S890


  • Optimus 4X HD
  • Optimus G, G Pro
  • Optimus L7

What To Do If Your Device Is on the List: Next Steps for WhatsApp Users

Facing the reality that your phone is on the list can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. If you want to continue using WhatsApp after July 2024, it might be time to consider your options.

  1. Upgrade Your Device
    The most straightforward solution is to upgrade to a newer model. Devices running Android 5.0 or iOS 12 and above will continue to support WhatsApp, allowing you to seamlessly transition without losing access to your chats or groups.
  2. Back Up Your Chats
    Before switching devices, make sure to back up your conversations via WhatsApp’s built-in backup feature. This ensures that all your messages, media, and memories are preserved when you move to a new phone.
  3. Explore Alternatives
    If upgrading isn’t in your budget, there are plenty of other messaging apps out there—Signal, Telegram, and even Facebook Messenger—all of which offer similar features to WhatsApp. While it may feel like a big change, you might find that switching platforms isn’t as difficult as you’d imagined.

Final Reflection: Embracing Change in a Digital World

If I’m honest, there’s something bittersweet about this transition. We often cling to our devices, not because they’re the latest or greatest, but because they hold the small moments of our lives—the quick goodnight texts, the goofy pictures, the moments of connection that remind us we’re not alone.

When I looked at the list of phones losing WhatsApp support, I couldn’t help but think back to my own journey with technology. The Galaxy S3 that got me through college. The iPhone 6 that captured the birth of my daughter. Each device carries its own set of memories, its own version of the story we’re all living. And while we might be upgrading to the latest tech, there’s a part of me that wonders if we’re also leaving behind pieces of ourselves.

As the clock ticks toward July 2024, maybe it’s time to reflect not just on the phones we’re losing, but on the new possibilities that lie ahead. Because as much as we love to hold on to the past, we live in a world that is always asking us to move forward. And maybe, just maybe, that’s not such a bad thing after all.

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